I had run across a random video from MYHEALTHFORWARD.COM on Instagram.
This included snippets of what was included in his podcast on Corruption in the US' meat industry.
My take on it (Note: I could not find the original IG post prior to doing the video. So it is not referred to)
Relevant facts:
Tyson Chicken sold to China: https://www.cmhi.com.hk/tyson-foods-sells-majority-stake-to-chinese-company/
Hillary Clinton, stock picker: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm
Distance between SF and Shanghai: http://ports.com/sea-route/port-of-san-francisco,united-states/port-of-shanghai,china/
JBS, Price Fixer: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/2022/02/04/jbs-settles-lawsuit-millions-price-fixing-beef-processors-meatpacking/6664089001/
Florida Cattlemen's Association: https://floridacattlemen.org
