As of this article going out, Hunter Biden has received a "sweetheart" plea bargain on , what would normally be, 3 felony counts. 2 of failure to pay income tax on $3,000,000.00 and one of possessing a handgun when he is restricted from doing so.
Remember, we still have ALL the crimes cataloged in the Laptop From Hell.
A good summation from the Left>
Our take on the case and what it does and doesn't mean for the American public..PLUS the issue of FBI's continued existence.
Here's the average history of the FBI.
If you will notice it changes from a plain vanilla organization in 1908 to morph under J. Edgar Hoover into the US version of the KGB which has reached it's zenith in it's recent involvement with the spying upon and probably destabilization of the Trump administration.
As we dig into the Durham Investigation, we can see that there is a definite disconnect between the Nation's police force, Central Intelligence and the sovereignty of the United Sates and it's citizens and institutions.